The Wells Fargo Center Disability Access Guide

If you have any questions or needs not addressed by this guide, please contact us here or visit the Guest Services Desks located on the Concourse behind Section 121 and on the Mezzanine Level at Section 214. The Guest Services Desk is staffed from the time the doors open for the event until the conclusion of the event.

All Accessible seating can be purchased online at and/or Select the FILTERS option on the Find Tickets page to “Show Accessible tickets” and then APPLY FILTERS.  All our accessible seating is wheelchair accessible but there are folding chairs for customers not using wheelchairs. 

The Wells Fargo Center is committed to providing all patrons the opportunity to enjoy all of the sports, concerts and other forms of world class entertainment to which it plays host each year. For this reason, the Wells Fargo Center and its staff make it a priority to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities and their companions.

Accessible Seating

The Wells Fargo Center is committed to providing accessible seating opportunities to all patrons. For this reason, it provides the opportunity to purchase tickets for accessible seating through the same means and under the same terms and conditions as other tickets are sold for each event or series of events held in the building. However, designated accessible seating is limited. Requests for accessible seating be made prior to the event after it goes onsale.

Accessible seating is located on every level of the Wells Fargo Center (Lower Level and Mezzanine as well as Club Boxes and Suites).  Subject to availability at the time of purchase, the Wells Fargo Center will make this seating available to patrons with disabilities and up to three (3) of their companions.  

When a patron has purchased, or has otherwise acquired, a ticket to non-accessible seating, and that patron requires accessible seating, the Wells Fargo Center will attempt to accommodate that individual and his or her companions if accessible seating comparable to that purchased to the ticketed event remains available.  If such seating is not available, the patron and his or her companions will be offered available accessible seating in a non-comparable location.  Because many events held in the Wells Fargo Center sell-out, however, including tickets reserved for accessible seating, it is advised that all accessible seating requests be made in advance.  Exchanges of tickets to non-accessible seating for tickets to accessible seating are on a first-come, first-serve basis and there is no guarantee that accessible seating will be available.

When a patron has purchased a ticket to accessible seating and then transfers that ticket to an individual who does not require accessible seating, the Wells Fargo Center reserves the right to move that individual and his or her companions to the closest available or comparable non-accessible seating.

The Wells Fargo Center reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain accessible and/or companion seating.

Assisted Listening System (ALS) & Captioning Services

Head sets and receivers for our state-of-the-art Assisted Listening System (ALS) are available at the Guest Services desks on the Concourse behind Section 121 (on the Broad Street side of the Wells Fargo Center) and on the Mezzanine Level at Section 214.  Assistive Listening Devices are available for loan, at no cost, with a valid photo ID required as deposit.

Please note that the audio fee for our Assisted Listening system is provided by the event at their sole discretion and may not be available for all events. 

In addition, the Wells Fargo Center provides captioning services for certain events, including Philadelphia Flyers games, using mobile devices such as smart phones. Instructions for accessing the captioning service are available at the Security Center or can be accessed on our website at

Auxiliary Aids & Services

The Wells Fargo Center is committed to ensuring that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently than other individuals because of the absence of auxiliary aids and services. The Wells Fargo Center will provide auxiliary aids and services if doing so does not fundamentally alter the nature of its goods and services and it does not impose an undue burden.  Because auxiliary aids and services may take time to arrange, it is suggested that individuals who will require the use of such aids or services request these accommodations as far in advance of the event as possible.  To make such a request, please contact us here or visit the Guest Services Desks located on the Concourse behind Section 121 and on the Mezzanine Level at Section 214. The Guest Services Desk is staffed during an event from the time the doors open until the conclusion of the event.

Concession Stands & Fountains

All concession stands on every level of the Wells Fargo Center are accessible.  Various courtesy water fountains on every level of the building are mounted low, making them accessible to all patrons.  


Public elevators are located in the VIP Lobby on the Broad Street side of the Wells Fargo Center and on the 11th Street side of the building near Sections 109 and 110.  These elevators make all levels of the Wells Fargo Center accessible.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an emergency, Wells Fargo Center personnel have been trained to assist disabled individuals in evacuating the premises.


Entrances on the Broad Street and 11th Street sides of the Wells Fargo Center are accessible to individuals using wheelchairs or other forms of manually-powered mobility devices. Under circumstances that do not violate safety guidelines, power-driven mobility devices also are permitted in the facility.  

Event Information

The Wells Fargo Center will provide information to inquiring individuals regarding the availability of accessible seating for all events upon request.  It will also provide descriptions of available accessible seating, as well as maps of the arena, so that a purchaser may determine whether particular seating meets his or her accessibility needs. 

For information regarding Wells Fargo Center & Philadelphia Flyers events, contact us here. For Philadelphia 76ers information, call 215-952-7000 or log onto  

Parking & ParaTransit

Accessible parking is available, marked by the universal symbols, located on the Broad Street (west side), D Lot (south side of building), 11th Street (east side) and Terminal Avenue (south side) of the Wells Fargo Center.  Vehicles using accessible parking must display the appropriate hang tags or license plates. Individuals needing to use ParaTransit must call carriers to schedule rides; however, there are stops for ParaTransit vehicles located at the Wells Fargo Center. For any other parking information, please contact us here.

Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)

Wells Fargo Center will provide a complimentary ticket (Standard Admission) for government-funded or paid personal care attendants (PCAs) whose attendance is required to enable ticketed patrons with severe disabilities (i.e., individuals who require around-the-clock assistance with all aspects of daily life) to attend events. 

Depending on the nature of the event and the location of the patron’s seat, the PCA will either be provided a seat or will be directed to a location in proximity to the patron where the PCA may stand (which may or may not be in view of the event).  Any request for complimentary admission for a PCA must be made at the time of purchase of the patron’s ticket and should be directed as follows: 

Philadelphia 76ers215-339-7600 or 215-339-7676 or

Philadelphia Flyers, Concerts and Family Shows: Contact us here or email

The tickets must be picked up in person at the Wells Fargo Center box office and the patron and the PCA must both be present.   If the Wells Fargo Center discovers that the patron or the PCA has misrepresented the purpose of the PCA’s attendance, or that the PCA has acted as a patron instead of performing the functions of the PCA while at an event, the Wells Fargo Center reserves the right to take all appropriate action including ejecting both the PCA and the patron from the event and barring the PCA and the patron from future entry.  In addition, in the event that the Wells Fargo Center has reason to believe that its policy regarding the admission of PCAs is being violated, the Wells Fargo Center reserves the right to require the patron to provide documentation showing that the person accompanying the patron and receiving complimentary admission is the patron’s government-funded or paid PCA.

Purchasing Tickets for Accessible Seating

Accessible seating can be purchased online or in person at the Wells Fargo Center Box Office on event days only 3 hours prior to the event. For information about concerts, family events and Philadelphia Flyers & Wings games, contact us here. To charge tickets by phone for the Philadelphia 76ers, call 215-339-7676. 


All restrooms on all levels of the Wells Fargo Center are accessible. A private, unisex restroom is located on the Broad Street side of the building behind the Guest Services Desk. Please inquire at the Guest Services Desk for access.

Sensory Room

The Sensory Room, located on the Suite Level, is open to any fan that needs sensory relief. The Sensory Room will be open for all sporting events at the Wells Fargo Center, as well as select family shows and concerts. In addition, sensory bags will be made available for any fan that needs help lessening sensory overload. 

Service Animals

The Wells Fargo Center welcomes patrons who require the use of a service dog, when the animal has been individually trained or is in training to do work or perform tasks for the patron.

All other animals are prohibited (with the exception of miniature horses that also may qualify as service animals). Guests using a service animal will be responsible for the animal’s care and supervision when present at the Wells Fargo Center.

Sign Language Interpreters

The Wells Fargo Center will make available the use of sign language interpreters upon request.  Because sign language interpreter requests typically require two weeks advance notice of a ticketed event for scheduling purposes, requests for an interpreter should be made AS FAR IN ADVANCE of the event as possible and subject to availability.  To make a request, please contact us here.

Interpreter seating accomodations are based on availability and show setup.

Text Assist

Fans who wish to report issues and concerns during an event (e.g. security needed, spilled drink, medical issue, etc.) can do so in a quick and convenient manner by texting the Wells Fargo Center Text Assist Service. Send your inquiry to 954-WFC-TEXT. Standard SMS text rates may apply. 

Unannounced Patrons

Patrons needing accessible seating when doors open to the event will be directed to the Guest Services Desk for the availability of such seating, which will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is no guarantee that accessible seating will be available at the time of the event.